Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I was browsing the cookbooks at the bookstore today and I noticed exactly what turns me off. If I see the words low fat or healthy I won't even look. It's not that I'm not into health. I drink my water and get my exercise. When I cook it's not about low fat though.

I will not use anything less the whole milk when cooking. I embrace heavy cream. You will not find margarine in this house, only butter. Carbs are not my enemy.

I love cooking all the time but am most excited when the weather cools. Nothing makes me happier then the smell of fresh bread or cookies baking in the oven. Heavy foods are my favorites. Buttery mashed potatoes, pot pies, stews, and roasts. It's not that I don't love a steamed vegetable or a beautiful salad. With a vegetarian daughter plenty of low fat foods make it to our table. In a cookbook, though, I look for something that is less about health and more about taste.

No sauce on the side for me. I will not look at the low fat option on the menu when I eat out. I think healthy food can be very good but I do not look at something with a high fat content and think bad. It's all about moderation and balance. When I cook a big meal you can be sure that it will not be low in calories but it will be very big in taste. If you are counting your carbs you probably don't want to eat over here.


jackie said...

see, this is exactly why I *do* want to eat at your house! also, this reminds me of Anthony Bourdain's talking about why he hates vegetarians. Not that you do, because you don't hate your daughter, but um, you know what I mean, right?

paintedbooklady said...

I was totally thinking about him when I wrote this. I wanted to pull out the book and quote but I was too lazy!